Monday, November 14, 2011

Pasadena Message!

Here are the happenings for week 11 in Pasadena!
1. A group of missionaries went to the LA Zoo on Monday... that place is HUGE!! It was fun! There was about 40 of us so we got the group discount then once in the doors we just split! hahah It was really fun!
2. One of our investigators Lydia moved this week and the elders quorum was GREAT with trucks and man power! It worked out perfect for her son too because he is 13 and the Young Men's president was there talking to him about Scouts and he is pretty much signed up now hahah She is so grateful!
3. We took Orilious on a tour of the chapel this week. He has a friend that lives in another stake and she gave us the information. The tour went really good! When he walked into the chapel he said, "I know there is no one in here but the spirit is so sweet here." The only problem is he is diabetic and it is hard for him to be up for meeting on the days he feels bad.
4. We had Zone Conference this week! LOVE THEM! One of the topics was on "Real Growth" I LOVE it! How true we have to have REAL growth not just a front or be able to say what people want to hear from us. A few missionaries shared experiences and one was talking about how much he has grown on his mission but how much time he wasted before his mission. A mission is CRAZY! The emotion, physical, spiritual, mental tiredness is life. Maybe in life not as a missionary you only have a few at a time but everyday on the mission is all of them. Talk about preparation for life! I don't know how you don't have the real growth after you leave here!
5. With a recent convert Cesar and a less active Chris we had a lesson on the priesthood. Whoa. I LOVE being able to see the light in their eyes when they realize that they hold the same priesthood that the president on the church has. Not the same office of course but same power and permission from God. Cesar passed the sacrament for the first time and he shared with us that he felt "free" passing it. He was so happy even though he was nervous.
6. We had 2 "mini missionaries" on Saturday. They were 17 and 16. They came with us to knock, meetings and lessons. One had gone the year before and said they just sat there but with us they actually got to talk in the lesson and teach. it was fun to have them with us for the short time.
7. Yesterday we went to have a lesson with a less active woman, Glenda. We meet with her on Sundays and her two grand kids are usually there. This Sunday, I don't know why it took us so long to do this we invited her granddaughter to the lesson. Her name is Dacora. She is pretty quiet but a sweet girl. When we would ask about her thoughts they were very tender. We went to the lesson with talking about missionary work with Glenda and turned into Heavenly Fathers love for us and finding "home" spiritually. We gave her a Bible that we didn't have a copy of her own and asked if she would want a copy of the Book of Mormon, she said no. We told her that next week we would be talking about the Book of Mormon and then she might want a copy then. When we got in the car we saw Glenda and Dacora walking away looking at the Bible and Glenda just hugging her so happy.
8. I have been having CRAZY dreams lately and remembering them... that is always interesting to wake up too hahaha
9. My favorite scripture this week is... Alma 44:4 I LOVE that if we are just true to the faith of God, He will support us! EXCEPT we fall into transgression. We cant even let that be an option... Yesterday we were talking to a member and she said that growing up her dad would always say, "Keep the Commandments! They will keep you safe!" She said he would say it so much that they would just start tuning it out. Now that she is older she said that now it is just so simple as that, Keep the commandments! How true.
Well... I LOVE you all and hope you are doing well!!
Sister Arbogast

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