Monday, November 28, 2011

More From Pasadena

Hello!! This past week was AWESOME so get ready...
1. I had LOTS of trainings this week... sometimes a little boring but it was all good information. Tuesday i picked up Sister Zamora... yep, NOT Sister Gomez. Apparently it is her second last name... everyone was confused hahaha She had the most stuff of all the missionaries. She has GREAT English since she has been at BYU for the past 2 years and she learned it when she was younger at school. She was baptized 6 years ago. She has 2 sisters, one older and one younger. She jumped right in on Tuesday night as we taught a recent convert lesson. She was bearing testimony and sharing scriptures.
2. We met with Lydia this week and really focused reading the Book of Mormon and listening and acting on the answer we receive from the spirit. Anabelle and Jacob have committed to baptism, Lydia is hesitant.
3. In a less with Sandra we were talking about the priesthood and helping her understand the differences. She opened up and is worried about her daughter spiritually. She is a strong woman trying to raise her kids right and in the gospel with a nonmember husband.
4. We had an AMAZING lesson with Orilious this week. It was going great and the whole time I was thinking, I need to commit him to baptism but I just couldn't... why? I was having this battle in my head. I kept leading up to it and just not saying it.. THEN after i lead up to it after probably the 4th time Sister Zamora invited him. It went great! I realized why I wasn't so she could... then I also realized why missionaries that are training want to call their trainees their children...  you are so proud of them and happy for them! She was so happy too and Orilious accepted so we will have to keep you updated on him.
5. We went knocking on a few neighbors of a members and talked to people who were out. Sister Zamora was nervous but did great! The MTC is truly amazing if we actually try to learn and take what they have to offer there. We set up a few return appointments and scheduled 2 church tours.
6. Thanksgiving was FUN! We helped a few people cook in the early mornings and then we ate with a member who had about 25 other family members there... it was GREAT! Ate too much but it was fun!
7. Training is different than it has been in the past we now have a 12 week training program. It is pretty laid out for  us but she knows a TON so its great and easy lol
8. My favorite scripture this week was D&C 100:3-8. Im hear in this area for a reason which I have never really had a problem with realizing. But I love how it says to declare and in the footnotes it says, Meekness and sincerity. The Holy Ghost will bear witness for us and he does. I have witnessed it over and over again being here and I LOVE it!
Love you all!!
Sister Arbogast

Monday, November 21, 2011

Pasadena for 18 Weeks

Here are the happenings for the week!!
1. We went to the Rose bowl and had a BBQ and playing football. I was naturally the only girl playing hahahahaa It was nice to get out and play with other missionaries.
2. Alisa Ence... my trainer in the mission got ENGAGED this week!! She is SUPER happy! Love her
3. We got to teach a lesson with Beverly. She is less active but LOVE us coming over! We were just finishing up talking about Heavenly Father and His love for us, importance of families and prophets when one of her neighbors comes over... starts trying to bash with us and tell us we worship Joseph Smith and all this other stuff. Wow. We just invited her to check out :]
4. Sharon is now 57 days NO SMOKING!! She is happy but said it is hard for her. She is doing great! We discussed the family proclamation. She had never read it before. She is doing great!
5. Lydia and her two children who are investigators are doing good. We taught faith, repentance, baptism. Anabelle and Jacob accepted the invitation to be baptized but Lydia said she isn't ready yet. We talked about it a bit but it will happen.
6. Another investigator Marilyn is okay. She has a problem with Joseph Smith but the first time she got the Book of Mormon and read it she knew it was true. She had a stroke about a year ago and is still recovering it. So she doesn't want to meet with us every week.
7. Luis is a recent convert who has a mom who is a recently active member. We taught them about tithing and it was great! Laura, his mom said the first thing she did when she got her paycheck was went to the bank and took out her 10 percent. She wants and feels like she needs to go the temple. She does. Luis is really good about making his mom go to church he always says, "Even if you break your leg. No your whole body. We are going to church!"
8. Alice is doing good. She is reading her Book of Mormon and wants to understand. She even has been to Church the past two weeks. She needs to commit.
9. Orilious is doing awesome! Besides the fact that he isn't sure about doing to church. But he wants to come to our study class on Tuesday. He watched the Restoration DVD and he said, "I feel like I know he is a true prophet" He is doing good.
10. We were with a part member family and one of their children came up to me and said, "Candy" I was like what? "You smell like candy" ahhahha It was so funny! We went over another time and he told me I smelled like Bubble Gum :]
11. Mom... you would be so PROUD! I have had Salmon 4 TIMES in Pasadena and I have LOVED it each time! :]
12. Well now to the subject heading... we got a transfer call on Saturday night. I will be staying in Pasadena BUT I get a new companion. I don't know her... no one does. She gets here tomorrow fresh from the MTC. Yep. I'm training. I'm nervous. BUT it will be great! All I know about her is that she is from Mexico, Spanish is her native language and her name is Sister Gomez. Shall be fun!! :]
13. Favorite scripture this week... 2 Nephi 25:26 Yes everyone knows this Scripture BUT being on a mission I didn't think I would have to explain that to people so much. We are the Church of JESUS  CHRIST. But lots of people but understand that. This scripture is true. We are centered around Christ. And always will be. LOVE IT!!
Love you all!!
Sister Arbogast

Monday, November 14, 2011

Pasadena Message!

Here are the happenings for week 11 in Pasadena!
1. A group of missionaries went to the LA Zoo on Monday... that place is HUGE!! It was fun! There was about 40 of us so we got the group discount then once in the doors we just split! hahah It was really fun!
2. One of our investigators Lydia moved this week and the elders quorum was GREAT with trucks and man power! It worked out perfect for her son too because he is 13 and the Young Men's president was there talking to him about Scouts and he is pretty much signed up now hahah She is so grateful!
3. We took Orilious on a tour of the chapel this week. He has a friend that lives in another stake and she gave us the information. The tour went really good! When he walked into the chapel he said, "I know there is no one in here but the spirit is so sweet here." The only problem is he is diabetic and it is hard for him to be up for meeting on the days he feels bad.
4. We had Zone Conference this week! LOVE THEM! One of the topics was on "Real Growth" I LOVE it! How true we have to have REAL growth not just a front or be able to say what people want to hear from us. A few missionaries shared experiences and one was talking about how much he has grown on his mission but how much time he wasted before his mission. A mission is CRAZY! The emotion, physical, spiritual, mental tiredness is life. Maybe in life not as a missionary you only have a few at a time but everyday on the mission is all of them. Talk about preparation for life! I don't know how you don't have the real growth after you leave here!
5. With a recent convert Cesar and a less active Chris we had a lesson on the priesthood. Whoa. I LOVE being able to see the light in their eyes when they realize that they hold the same priesthood that the president on the church has. Not the same office of course but same power and permission from God. Cesar passed the sacrament for the first time and he shared with us that he felt "free" passing it. He was so happy even though he was nervous.
6. We had 2 "mini missionaries" on Saturday. They were 17 and 16. They came with us to knock, meetings and lessons. One had gone the year before and said they just sat there but with us they actually got to talk in the lesson and teach. it was fun to have them with us for the short time.
7. Yesterday we went to have a lesson with a less active woman, Glenda. We meet with her on Sundays and her two grand kids are usually there. This Sunday, I don't know why it took us so long to do this we invited her granddaughter to the lesson. Her name is Dacora. She is pretty quiet but a sweet girl. When we would ask about her thoughts they were very tender. We went to the lesson with talking about missionary work with Glenda and turned into Heavenly Fathers love for us and finding "home" spiritually. We gave her a Bible that we didn't have a copy of her own and asked if she would want a copy of the Book of Mormon, she said no. We told her that next week we would be talking about the Book of Mormon and then she might want a copy then. When we got in the car we saw Glenda and Dacora walking away looking at the Bible and Glenda just hugging her so happy.
8. I have been having CRAZY dreams lately and remembering them... that is always interesting to wake up too hahaha
9. My favorite scripture this week is... Alma 44:4 I LOVE that if we are just true to the faith of God, He will support us! EXCEPT we fall into transgression. We cant even let that be an option... Yesterday we were talking to a member and she said that growing up her dad would always say, "Keep the Commandments! They will keep you safe!" She said he would say it so much that they would just start tuning it out. Now that she is older she said that now it is just so simple as that, Keep the commandments! How true.
Well... I LOVE you all and hope you are doing well!!
Sister Arbogast

Monday, November 7, 2011

Hello from PASADENA!

Well here are the happenings for the past week in my life as a missionary...
1. Why do I always get caught up in situations where I play basketball in clothes other than shorts and a tee? This week it was jeans and tee... still annoying lol
2. We had a great lesson with Lydia and her children on the Plan of Salvation. She recently lost her mom and feels like she has a hole. She said that after we taught the lesson she is happy to know her mom isn’t burning and that it makes sense. Especially the kingdoms of glory and spirit world.
3. With a less active Danny, we talked about why we are here on earth. It is a little hard sometimes because it is almost like he is trying to challenge the gospel when he really has no support of his thoughts. Either way his “friend” was there too who is also less active. It was good for them to remember why we are here on Earth.
4. We go to a lady in the wards home, Amy who lives with her boyfriend Tim. They both come to church. We have been having lesson with them the past two weeks. He asks lots of questions even though he comes to church. I think Amy lives it because it is hard for her to bring up religion with just the two of them.
5. In a lesson with Sharon we talked about the Priesthood. I LOVE teaching about the priesthood! Mainly because then I get reminded how blessed I am with it in my life. How blessed I am to have a dad and brothers and friends to hold, honor and use it properly. LOVE it!! Sharon even received her first Priesthood blessing this week. She is now on day 45 of not smoking and she is SO happy!
6. Andrew an investigator has been sick lately but he lives in the same retirement place as Sharon does and come out to say hi to us. This past week he said that Joseph Smith has really been sticking out to him. We watched the restoration DVD. At the end it was like he was in awe. It’s hard with Andrew because he knows but is scared to change I think. But he has been really improving since we first started teaching him.
7. Went to Soup Plantation… YUM! It is a buffet of soup and salad! We went with some other missionaries. There was a coupon in our junk mail so we went :]
8. We hadn’t seen Alice in a while since she has been helping her sister but we had given her a note with a scripture on it. When we went over she said that we liked the verse but wanted to read the whole chapter but got a little stuck on a few phrases so we read together and it was a great chapter in Alma about trusting in the Lord. Which brings me to my favorite scripture this week…
9. Alma 36:3- If we just trust, we will be supported. I think for me lately scriptures like this have been sticking out to me for a reason. I need to do it more. Which I am trying to do.
10. I get to go to the LA Zoo today!! I am SUPER excited!! Also because it has be POURING rain here the past few days and today its SUNNY! YAY!!
Love you all!
Sister Arbogast