Hello everyone!! Here are the happenings from the past week!
1. We got to meet and hear from Elder William R Walker of the seventy. WOW! He was great! Main message I got from him was that we need to work hard and focus on the here and now. Not worry about what we left or what will happen afterwards. I think missionaries are bad at just focusing on the present. Me included sometimes. It was a nice day! I even got to pray for a general authority :]
2. We went to the church building on a Tuesday night to go to the library for something and people were playing basketball. I knew two of the guys because they were in my ward. They told me to come play… in my dress… so I did. Hhahaha It was FUN! And this man from another ward on my team was like, “Come on guys! You are getting schooled by a sister missionary in a DRESS! She is posting up better than you.” I saw him on Sunday and he told his wife about me on Tuesday. She very proud hahha
3. I got a GREAT Halloween package… SO fun! The women at the office love when I get my decorated boxes and they get to see what is in them. Nice job mom!
4. We had a lesson with a recent convert and his recently active mom about the plan of salvation. I LOVE it when it just clicks with people! She had just lost her grandma a few days prior too so it was a perfect lesson to remind them
5. We had a lesson with the Vasquez family. Brother Vasquez got a calling to help with emergency preparedness. He is SUPER into radios and yeah. He is excited for the calling which is good to see. But the miracle that happened with him is he has been saying prayers when we have lesson with just him and his wife but he wont while with the kids. He said the prayer with his sons and his mother-in-law. One of his sons even helped him with the prayer. It was so sweet! Now if only he didn’t work on Sundays.
6. We taught prophets to Sharon. We discussed how they influence us in our on personal lives. She shared with us about how when she watches conference and sees President Monson she can just tell. Its so true! That was one of my favorite parts of going to conference. You could feel the difference before you even saw the prophet walk in the conference center.
7. We meet with Amy who is a member this week. She lives with her boyfriend Tim who is Catholic. We had a really good talk about the restoration. We used the cups to teach it. Helps teach the lesson clearer I think. Tim agreed with most of it… he comes to church with Amy so he understands a lot of the doctrine.
8. Lydia, Jacob and Anabelle are doing great! They have been coming to church and read the pamphlet for the restoration. They have been praying together and they have each said a prayer with our lessons. They don’t have much of a religious background. Hopefully this continues. It almost feels like Anabelle is the most in tune one and she is only 8.
9. I got to go to the temple this week with Alphie! He has been a member for almost 2 years now. He asked our mission president if a few of us could go with him and 4 got to go! It was so great! I have never been with someone who is going through for the first time. There were about 14 of us waiting for him when he got out of the session. He was so happy! It was nice to reflect on my first day! It was a year ago on the 12th… crazy to thin about that.
10. We got a call for a man who wanted a blessing and an English Bible. We went with a priesthood holder obviously and found out he is a less active 27 year old named Danny. He is a really nice guy but Sister Foster and I are a little confused about him. He has a conspiracy theory for himself. We just try to focus on doctrine BUT he came to church yesterday and he said he LOVED it!
11. I got kissed by a BOY lat night!! He is out of my age range… he is 4 hahaha We were at a members house with her less active sons family. Michael one of the boys was so sad I was leaving and gave me a big ol’ hug and a kiss on the cheek. He was so excited to realize we will be coming back.
12. Favorite scripture this week… Alma 34:28-29. If we really want to help others we have to do so. We cant just pray for the opportunity then see the opportunity and turn the other way. If we do so we are as dross… worthless. We better act and not be acted upon.
Love you all!!
Sister Arbogast
Monday, October 31, 2011
Friday, October 21, 2011
Well hello there!! 10 months has come and gone... SOO crazy! BUT here are the happenings from the week!
1. We got lost BUT ended up at the NASA Jet propulsion lavatory!! Ummm did that just happen? I wanted to take a picture but there were guards everywhere.
2. We had a GREAT lesson on the Holy Ghost in our new member/who ever lesson on Tuesday. It is always fun for me to come up with analogies for everything while people are talking. I got a few on Tuesday.
3. The lesson carried over to our lesson with a less active, Sharon. She is amazing! She is on day 29 of not smoking!! She wants one bad but she is doing great! We talked about the Holy Ghost and how much we all need it. She shared that she remembers even when she was younger in a hard home situation feeling the spirit comfort her. The spirit is real and I LOVE being able to teach with it! Mainly because there is no other way :]
4. With another less active we got to talk about the temple. He met with bishop on Sunday and got a limited use recommend. SO excited for him!! A few of our recent converts and recently active members are making a trip to go do baptisms at the temple. I'm excited for them to feel our Savior's love there!
5. When we met with Alice this week we talked about the importance of the Book of Mormon and her reading it. She used to be doing really well but it has died down a bit. She said she will read while she is helping her sister with her hip recovery... she has been out of town helping her and comes back today, we are planning on seeing her tonight.
6. We finally got a FULL lesson in with Beverly. She is a less active lady who talks a LOT. BUT this past week we were able to see her and have a lesson on all 10 Commandments. She even had said that she had been praying that we would come. (LOVE those experiences!)
7. We have 2 new investigators this week! Lydia and Jacob. Lydia lost her mom recently and is having a REALLY hard time coping with it. She got a hold of missionaries because her son Jacob has met with missionaries before apparently. They came to church yesterday and Annabella came too, her 8 year old daughter. They all really seemed to enjoy church. Especially when the kids got to meet other kids their age. We took them on a tour of the chapel and have another lesson on Tuesday!
8. A got a flu shot! Nothing too exciting but hopefully I wont get sick now :]
9. At the Ronald McDonald house we volunteer at the lady we mainly work with has been asking a lot of questions lately but this past week she came up to me and was like, "I need your advice..." She went on to tell me about a CRAZY thing going on with a friend and her. I hope I was able to help her and put a few plugs in about praying about it and such. We will find out what happened this week.
10. Favorite scripture this week... Doctrine and Covenants 98:1 "Verily I say unto you my friends, fear not, let your hearts be comforted; yea, rejoice evermore, and in everything give thanks;" I KNOW that as we trust, Heavenly Father will send his comforter... He will. This week I had some worries so I decided to fast and pray about it. I don't think I have ever felt my Heavently Father and Savior's love so quick. I know they were there to give me the strength and comfort. I know they are still here giving it to me too. I owe everything to them and am FOREVER thankful for my live and the experiences I am having.
Love you all!!
Sister Arbogast
1. We got lost BUT ended up at the NASA Jet propulsion lavatory!! Ummm did that just happen? I wanted to take a picture but there were guards everywhere.
2. We had a GREAT lesson on the Holy Ghost in our new member/who ever lesson on Tuesday. It is always fun for me to come up with analogies for everything while people are talking. I got a few on Tuesday.
3. The lesson carried over to our lesson with a less active, Sharon. She is amazing! She is on day 29 of not smoking!! She wants one bad but she is doing great! We talked about the Holy Ghost and how much we all need it. She shared that she remembers even when she was younger in a hard home situation feeling the spirit comfort her. The spirit is real and I LOVE being able to teach with it! Mainly because there is no other way :]
4. With another less active we got to talk about the temple. He met with bishop on Sunday and got a limited use recommend. SO excited for him!! A few of our recent converts and recently active members are making a trip to go do baptisms at the temple. I'm excited for them to feel our Savior's love there!
5. When we met with Alice this week we talked about the importance of the Book of Mormon and her reading it. She used to be doing really well but it has died down a bit. She said she will read while she is helping her sister with her hip recovery... she has been out of town helping her and comes back today, we are planning on seeing her tonight.
6. We finally got a FULL lesson in with Beverly. She is a less active lady who talks a LOT. BUT this past week we were able to see her and have a lesson on all 10 Commandments. She even had said that she had been praying that we would come. (LOVE those experiences!)
7. We have 2 new investigators this week! Lydia and Jacob. Lydia lost her mom recently and is having a REALLY hard time coping with it. She got a hold of missionaries because her son Jacob has met with missionaries before apparently. They came to church yesterday and Annabella came too, her 8 year old daughter. They all really seemed to enjoy church. Especially when the kids got to meet other kids their age. We took them on a tour of the chapel and have another lesson on Tuesday!
8. A got a flu shot! Nothing too exciting but hopefully I wont get sick now :]
9. At the Ronald McDonald house we volunteer at the lady we mainly work with has been asking a lot of questions lately but this past week she came up to me and was like, "I need your advice..." She went on to tell me about a CRAZY thing going on with a friend and her. I hope I was able to help her and put a few plugs in about praying about it and such. We will find out what happened this week.
10. Favorite scripture this week... Doctrine and Covenants 98:1 "Verily I say unto you my friends, fear not, let your hearts be comforted; yea, rejoice evermore, and in everything give thanks;" I KNOW that as we trust, Heavenly Father will send his comforter... He will. This week I had some worries so I decided to fast and pray about it. I don't think I have ever felt my Heavently Father and Savior's love so quick. I know they were there to give me the strength and comfort. I know they are still here giving it to me too. I owe everything to them and am FOREVER thankful for my live and the experiences I am having.
Love you all!!
Sister Arbogast
Monday, October 17, 2011
Hello from PASADENA!!
Here are the happenings for the week!
1. We went to help Ronald McDonald out on Monday with moving beds. They got 17 beds donated and we got to make new bed frames and haul beds and box springs to the second floor... FUN! Well it was hard but actually pretty fun! We even got free shirts from it which made it even better :]
2. One of our members had back surgery so we went to the hospital and sang hymns for him and his wife. Did you read that right? Yes. I SANG! I still can hardly believe it myself hahah
3. Did you know that there is 3925 references to Jesus Christ in the Book of Mormon?! Which means that about every 1.7 verses it mentions Him. LOVE IT!!
4. We had a lesson with Sharon about enduring to the end. When we told her that was the lesson she said, "I have been praying about that!" It is amazing to me that we plan on a Friday for the next week what we will teach these people and it is what they need! It even happened with another lesson with had with the Vasquez!
5. With them, they had just been talking about paying tithing and then the lesson was on tithing. I LOVE it! Sister Vasquez was paying tithing on her money but now they are paying tithing on both of their incomes. What faith! Its great to see!
6. With our lesson with Alice we taught the restoration and as we were teaching it she noticed that other churches are "incomplete" in her words. And that it just makes sense. I LOVE being able to teach and share my testimony with these people!
7. We went over to a members house whose husband is less active and we had heard that her daughter isn't to sure... we went over when the daughter was home and we had an awesome discussion on the Book of Mormon and what we have gained from it.
8. We got to make SALSA this week! Stopped by a members house to see how they were doing and to see if she could help us with a lesson the next day and she was making salsa for her daughters school fundraiser thing... WHOA. LOTS of salsa. We were glad to help but even more that we were sent home with some salsa for us :]
9. We had a lesson with an investigator Andrew. He is working on quiting smoking and has cut down 5 or more the past week. He knows he needs to and is realizing that Heavenly Father loves him and is there to help him. Love being able to see the light bulb go off in his head.
10. We helped a new family in the ward move in on Saturday. We were there for 2 hours. While my companion was in the truck "getting things for us to take" I was carrying bookcases and couches with the men! lol It was hot so of course I was sweaty, not my best "sister missionary" look. Oh well! I was tired afterward. But I am fine now... my calves hurt but I think it is a combination of stairs Monday, our morning workout on Wednesday was running stairs and then Saturday moving all the things up and down stairs. Oh well, I do want my leg muscle back! No pain, no gain right? :]
11. I LOVE that Baby J is here!!!! Jensen is SUPER cute!! Thank goodness for Sister Kohnle showing me his pictures!! I LOVE him SOO much! Jensen and the twins better be prepared for snuggle time with Auntie!
12. My favorite scripture this week from studies is Alma 13:28-29. If we humble ourselves, pray and let the Holy Ghost lead us we will truly become patient and full of love. I know we will and as we have faith we really can have eternal life and have rest. This life is so short! Just have to have the faith!
Sister Arbogast
1. We went to help Ronald McDonald out on Monday with moving beds. They got 17 beds donated and we got to make new bed frames and haul beds and box springs to the second floor... FUN! Well it was hard but actually pretty fun! We even got free shirts from it which made it even better :]
2. One of our members had back surgery so we went to the hospital and sang hymns for him and his wife. Did you read that right? Yes. I SANG! I still can hardly believe it myself hahah
3. Did you know that there is 3925 references to Jesus Christ in the Book of Mormon?! Which means that about every 1.7 verses it mentions Him. LOVE IT!!
4. We had a lesson with Sharon about enduring to the end. When we told her that was the lesson she said, "I have been praying about that!" It is amazing to me that we plan on a Friday for the next week what we will teach these people and it is what they need! It even happened with another lesson with had with the Vasquez!
5. With them, they had just been talking about paying tithing and then the lesson was on tithing. I LOVE it! Sister Vasquez was paying tithing on her money but now they are paying tithing on both of their incomes. What faith! Its great to see!
6. With our lesson with Alice we taught the restoration and as we were teaching it she noticed that other churches are "incomplete" in her words. And that it just makes sense. I LOVE being able to teach and share my testimony with these people!
7. We went over to a members house whose husband is less active and we had heard that her daughter isn't to sure... we went over when the daughter was home and we had an awesome discussion on the Book of Mormon and what we have gained from it.
8. We got to make SALSA this week! Stopped by a members house to see how they were doing and to see if she could help us with a lesson the next day and she was making salsa for her daughters school fundraiser thing... WHOA. LOTS of salsa. We were glad to help but even more that we were sent home with some salsa for us :]
9. We had a lesson with an investigator Andrew. He is working on quiting smoking and has cut down 5 or more the past week. He knows he needs to and is realizing that Heavenly Father loves him and is there to help him. Love being able to see the light bulb go off in his head.
10. We helped a new family in the ward move in on Saturday. We were there for 2 hours. While my companion was in the truck "getting things for us to take" I was carrying bookcases and couches with the men! lol It was hot so of course I was sweaty, not my best "sister missionary" look. Oh well! I was tired afterward. But I am fine now... my calves hurt but I think it is a combination of stairs Monday, our morning workout on Wednesday was running stairs and then Saturday moving all the things up and down stairs. Oh well, I do want my leg muscle back! No pain, no gain right? :]
11. I LOVE that Baby J is here!!!! Jensen is SUPER cute!! Thank goodness for Sister Kohnle showing me his pictures!! I LOVE him SOO much! Jensen and the twins better be prepared for snuggle time with Auntie!
12. My favorite scripture this week from studies is Alma 13:28-29. If we humble ourselves, pray and let the Holy Ghost lead us we will truly become patient and full of love. I know we will and as we have faith we really can have eternal life and have rest. This life is so short! Just have to have the faith!
Sister Arbogast
Monday, October 10, 2011
Start of Transfer 3 in... PASADENA!
Here I am... been here 3 months... lets make it 4 and a half :] We didnt get a transfer call so both Sister Foster and I will be staying in Pasadena
1. Went to Chinatown... again. Went with a group of missionaries and some members. I got some sunglasses and a beanie which I wont ever use here BUT its cute for when I go home :]
2. We have a new investigator! His name is Noe! His sister just got baptized in a different ward. He is 17 and lives in a foster home we think. We had an amazing restoration lesson with him. The spirit was strong and he seemed receptive.
3. Andrew an investigator said that he went to a different Bible study group thing and he didn't like it because he didn't feel right there. But that he liked to meet with us missionaries because he feels good when we read the Book of Mormon and have lessons. He is coming along... slowly but surely.
4. Alice is also still doing well. She shared with us that she knows we pray for her because she had a dream about something and we were there taking care of her. Like we were supporting her. It was cool to hear her share that experience with us.
5. We had exchanges this week. I went to La Canada with Sister Filimoehala and Sister Mellow. WOW! It was AWESOME! We had fun talking till midnight and woke up tired but ready to work! We had a nice lesson with a girl Gabbi. She is 12 and taking the lessons by herself. She lives with 6 other people. Her step dad sat in on the lesson about the plan of salvation and he even changed from the time we started to the time we left. He even said he would pray to know if they should let Gabbi be baptized. She wants too and they don't know yet... Hopefully they will let her.
6. With a lesson with our recent convert Cesar I feel like I learn so much! He is very in tune with the spirit and has great insights! We were talking about the gospel of Jesus Christ and he pretty much teaches us that we have to have every piece to the Gospel to return with our Father in Heaven.
1. Went to Chinatown... again. Went with a group of missionaries and some members. I got some sunglasses and a beanie which I wont ever use here BUT its cute for when I go home :]
2. We have a new investigator! His name is Noe! His sister just got baptized in a different ward. He is 17 and lives in a foster home we think. We had an amazing restoration lesson with him. The spirit was strong and he seemed receptive.
3. Andrew an investigator said that he went to a different Bible study group thing and he didn't like it because he didn't feel right there. But that he liked to meet with us missionaries because he feels good when we read the Book of Mormon and have lessons. He is coming along... slowly but surely.
4. Alice is also still doing well. She shared with us that she knows we pray for her because she had a dream about something and we were there taking care of her. Like we were supporting her. It was cool to hear her share that experience with us.
5. We had exchanges this week. I went to La Canada with Sister Filimoehala and Sister Mellow. WOW! It was AWESOME! We had fun talking till midnight and woke up tired but ready to work! We had a nice lesson with a girl Gabbi. She is 12 and taking the lessons by herself. She lives with 6 other people. Her step dad sat in on the lesson about the plan of salvation and he even changed from the time we started to the time we left. He even said he would pray to know if they should let Gabbi be baptized. She wants too and they don't know yet... Hopefully they will let her.
6. With a lesson with our recent convert Cesar I feel like I learn so much! He is very in tune with the spirit and has great insights! We were talking about the gospel of Jesus Christ and he pretty much teaches us that we have to have every piece to the Gospel to return with our Father in Heaven.

Me with Cesar
7. We went to Roscoe's again... but with my district... They weren't to sure about Chicken and Waffles but they said they liked it. I just got a waffles this time. SO YUM!
8. Favorite Scripture during study this week was in Psalms 55:22... we need to cast our burdens upon the Lord and he shall sustain thee... This goes along with the hymn Be Still My Soul. I know that I need to give my burdens to Him and I can find that peace that I am looking for, hopefully.
Sister Arbogast
ps Saw David Archuleta AGAIN yesterday at Stake Conference hahhaha
Monday, October 3, 2011
David Archuleta and a Baptism... WHAT A WEEK!
Here are the happenings for the week!
1. So we had this special training which was only for sisters. We did a training with our planners, you know the ones with our lives in them for 6 weeks. Long story short I forgot mine at the library and didn't have mine... oops. Then we had a special guest... yep... David Archuleta. He came and sang be Still My Soul and bore his testimony for the 22 sisters in our mission then left. And we had an AMAZING discussion on the talk, "His Grace is Sufficient" It was really good for sisters I think because we tend to lower ourselves. But it was nice to have a good discussion on how we all struggle but then how we all can help each other. It was REALLY nice!
2. Our investigator Alice... well we thought her about the Word of Wisdom knowing that she drinks coffee. We committed her to live the Word of Wisdom and she said yes. She has been wanting to stop but just hasn't. Then we had a lesson about prophets and how conference was coming up, she came and prayed for the prophet. She is doing really good!
3. Our other investigator Andrew is good too! He has started to change his life and only smoked a few of his cigarettes a day from a pack. He also had some more questions about the Plan of Salvation but we were able to answer them with the scriptures. When he realized what we were saying was true it was like a "oh yeah" face came to him.
4. Teaching this less active Chris B has been amazing. He has a little testimony and has just started to come back to church. We have been reading the Book of Mormon with him and teaching principles with in the reading. He wants us to have more structured lessons and bring his friends... LOVE the missionary mind he has!
5. I got to go to an old area and see a 9 year old girl I was teaching be baptized!! I walked in the church and when she saw me we RAN to me and gave me the biggest hug! She didn't leave my side the whole time! It was SO special and her confirmation was WOW! Talked how she was a very choice daughter of our Heavenly Fathers and how she will be the example ad spiritual strength her family needs.
6. Conference was AMAZING! I LOVED it! A few that I liked extra were... Sister Dalton "Be loyal to the royal within you" We are so royal why do we let degrading thoughts in? Elder Packer "Everyone who has a body has power over those who don't have a body." If we have the power why do we let Satan over power us? Which brings me to my favorite scripture for the week...
7. Alma 10:25- Amulek is asking these people Why does Satan has such a pull on our hearts? Don't let him! I know that it is one of the most frustrating things as we meet people. And like they said in conference... either it is a huge fraud and of the devil or it is true and of God. I KNOW it is of God. And its GREAT to share it with everyone!
Much love from Cali!
Sister Arbogast
1. So we had this special training which was only for sisters. We did a training with our planners, you know the ones with our lives in them for 6 weeks. Long story short I forgot mine at the library and didn't have mine... oops. Then we had a special guest... yep... David Archuleta. He came and sang be Still My Soul and bore his testimony for the 22 sisters in our mission then left. And we had an AMAZING discussion on the talk, "His Grace is Sufficient" It was really good for sisters I think because we tend to lower ourselves. But it was nice to have a good discussion on how we all struggle but then how we all can help each other. It was REALLY nice!
2. Our investigator Alice... well we thought her about the Word of Wisdom knowing that she drinks coffee. We committed her to live the Word of Wisdom and she said yes. She has been wanting to stop but just hasn't. Then we had a lesson about prophets and how conference was coming up, she came and prayed for the prophet. She is doing really good!
3. Our other investigator Andrew is good too! He has started to change his life and only smoked a few of his cigarettes a day from a pack. He also had some more questions about the Plan of Salvation but we were able to answer them with the scriptures. When he realized what we were saying was true it was like a "oh yeah" face came to him.
4. Teaching this less active Chris B has been amazing. He has a little testimony and has just started to come back to church. We have been reading the Book of Mormon with him and teaching principles with in the reading. He wants us to have more structured lessons and bring his friends... LOVE the missionary mind he has!
5. I got to go to an old area and see a 9 year old girl I was teaching be baptized!! I walked in the church and when she saw me we RAN to me and gave me the biggest hug! She didn't leave my side the whole time! It was SO special and her confirmation was WOW! Talked how she was a very choice daughter of our Heavenly Fathers and how she will be the example ad spiritual strength her family needs.
6. Conference was AMAZING! I LOVED it! A few that I liked extra were... Sister Dalton "Be loyal to the royal within you" We are so royal why do we let degrading thoughts in? Elder Packer "Everyone who has a body has power over those who don't have a body." If we have the power why do we let Satan over power us? Which brings me to my favorite scripture for the week...
7. Alma 10:25- Amulek is asking these people Why does Satan has such a pull on our hearts? Don't let him! I know that it is one of the most frustrating things as we meet people. And like they said in conference... either it is a huge fraud and of the devil or it is true and of God. I KNOW it is of God. And its GREAT to share it with everyone!
Much love from Cali!
Sister Arbogast
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