Hello!! I am here in CA and LOVE it!!!
1. My new address is: 170 West Duarte Rd, Arcadia, CA 91007. This is for letters and packages :]
2. My new companion is Sister Ence... LOVE HER! She is from Salt Lake City, she got her AA before her mission, she loves basketball, the Jonas Brothers and same kind of movies as ME!
3. We are "white washing" the area which means that we are both new to the area. We are in Glendale, CA. We get to look out and see LA, Glendale and Burbank from certain areas of the mission!
4. We don't have any investigators which is REALLY frustrating BUT it will be GREAT when we do get some!
5. We have a LOT of inactive members so we are starting with them when we aren't knocking doors.
6. Knocking doors... not gonna lie... LOVE IT! We rarely have anyone ask anything but OH WELL! We give them cards and someday someone will be excited and ready to hear our message :]
7. You can email me pictures on here and so I can look at what you all look like and how you have changed. Check the blog if you want to see how I have changed :]
8. We ran into our first J-Dub yesterday and WHOA! She was CRAZY but I mean she had valid points but not willing to let either of us talk... oh well!
9. My President is GREAT! The first two questions he asked me when I had my interview were 1-What is your purpose as a missionary as stated in the Preach My Gospel 2-Do you have a boyfriend. Apparently those are the two most important things to get to know about someone. BUT he is a food scientist which I was SUPER excited about and he worked with checking on the shelf life of food. Like how long its nutritional value lasts... thought it was pretty cool!
10. Sister Pike is a SWEET lady! First day we go here they both picked us up and the four new sisters and her got to ride together to lunch. We got LOST!! So funny. She is so sweet and you can tell she has SO much love for all of us!
11. The pikes gave every missionary a temple recommend holder fort eh Arcadia Mission with Christ on the front... so nice of them!
12. We get to go to the LA temple every 6 months! I don't know yet when that will be for me but I'm excited!
13. My companion and I have some funny stories already! 1-we were in a ghetto street and it was night time and we get to the car and it wont start... we were like oh man! So we called the car missionaries and they said they would call us back in a few-we hang up. Then we get the manual out and I have NO clue what is going on. It just wont turn over or anything. Then Sister Ence goes, "Oh" She had put it in drive somehow and it wouldn't start! hahhahha
14. My companion is waiting for me so I have to go BUT I miss and LOVE you all!! Keep me posted on how everything is going with your life!!
15. I know this church is TRUE!! Everyday I get to share that with people even if it is just a brief moment before they shut the door in my face :] I know it is true with all my being and am SOOO grateful for the opportunity to share it with the people of CA!
Sister Arbogast
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Week Two - Check!
1. I now know and can teach the first and second lessons! It is AMAZING at how fast everything comes! I know it is only because of the Spirit but I still am amazed!
2. I have 2 different teachers in the MTC. Brother Terry (home for 4 months) and Brother Snyder (home for 8 months). They both went to Florida but different missions. They are TRULY great teachers! Every time I go into class it is just a stronger and more constant Spirit the way they teach. They help so much with questions or concerns that we have from the lessons or doctrine.
Sidenote: Right now I have 5 Elders singing "Lean on Me" right now in the laundry room.. nice to hear music again hahahh
3. I am in the Choir... Yes... You read that right. I have sang twice now for two members on the seventy! It is GREAT!! My companion LOVE singing so I kind of have to go but still it is good for me.
4. I LOVE getting to go to the temple!! We get to go do sessions or initiatory on Wednesday and then we get to go for walks on Sunday! You would think we are freed from jail how happy we are to get out for a walk in the fresh air!
5. So we have a group of 13 people going to the Ontario Airport on the 21st... we have what they cal a travel leader... guess who? Yep, me. I'm a little nervous! It is 8 of us from my district and then 5 Elders I don't know of...
6. Gym time is very important here because all we do is eat and go to class. For the sisters they have a class at 6am and then gym later. So I go tot the morning class and then just play volleyball the whole hour for gym. LOVE it!
7. I think this should be a record... well it is for me. I got 2 packages-3 letters and 1 package pick up slip in ONE day! Lets just say I felt special!!
8. I got two new shoes!! And those of you that know me... I LOVE shoes! Made my day for sure!
9. Nothing too embarrassing to share yet but I'm sure there will be some soon
I LOVE being here in the MTC and all the learning that is going on. I am still in shock how much love is here and you can feel the desire of everyone wanting to serve the Lord.
Love You,
Sister Arbogast
ps If you haven't sent me your address... PLEASE send it!! And if you feel so inclined, dearelder.com will print out an email you write them to me that day and put it into my mailbox.
2. I have 2 different teachers in the MTC. Brother Terry (home for 4 months) and Brother Snyder (home for 8 months). They both went to Florida but different missions. They are TRULY great teachers! Every time I go into class it is just a stronger and more constant Spirit the way they teach. They help so much with questions or concerns that we have from the lessons or doctrine.
Sidenote: Right now I have 5 Elders singing "Lean on Me" right now in the laundry room.. nice to hear music again hahahh
3. I am in the Choir... Yes... You read that right. I have sang twice now for two members on the seventy! It is GREAT!! My companion LOVE singing so I kind of have to go but still it is good for me.
4. I LOVE getting to go to the temple!! We get to go do sessions or initiatory on Wednesday and then we get to go for walks on Sunday! You would think we are freed from jail how happy we are to get out for a walk in the fresh air!
5. So we have a group of 13 people going to the Ontario Airport on the 21st... we have what they cal a travel leader... guess who? Yep, me. I'm a little nervous! It is 8 of us from my district and then 5 Elders I don't know of...
6. Gym time is very important here because all we do is eat and go to class. For the sisters they have a class at 6am and then gym later. So I go tot the morning class and then just play volleyball the whole hour for gym. LOVE it!
7. I think this should be a record... well it is for me. I got 2 packages-3 letters and 1 package pick up slip in ONE day! Lets just say I felt special!!
8. I got two new shoes!! And those of you that know me... I LOVE shoes! Made my day for sure!
9. Nothing too embarrassing to share yet but I'm sure there will be some soon
I LOVE being here in the MTC and all the learning that is going on. I am still in shock how much love is here and you can feel the desire of everyone wanting to serve the Lord.
Love You,
Sister Arbogast
ps If you haven't sent me your address... PLEASE send it!! And if you feel so inclined, dearelder.com will print out an email you write them to me that day and put it into my mailbox.
Week One - Check!
I have ONE WEEK DONE!! That is so crazy to me! I made list of things to tell you about!
1. If you go to dearelder.com you can write an email to me on there and they will print it out and give it to me in my mail box that day here at the MTC... I encourage you to use it because I LOVE mail now :]
2. Can you send me your addresses? I only know mom and dads... lame, I know.
3. My companion! Her name is Sister Johnson! She is from Shelly, ID and went to BYU-I too! She is great! She is the MASTER of knowing where certain scriptures are and i am not... its Perfect!
4. My district!! There are 12 of us. 4 Elders going to Billings, MT (Elder Smith, Savage, Maloney, George) and 4 elders going to Arcadia (Elder Naeata (tongan), Spalding, Edney and Garza) and 4 sisters going to Arcadia (Sister Snow, Thomas and Johnson). I LOVE them!! I kind of have to since we are all together pretty much ALL the day LONG! = )
5. Sharing a room... What an adventure!! It isnt as bad as I thought it would be. The bathroom is what is throwing me off hahaha sharring a bathroom with like 100 sisters!
6. Class... LOVE! We have two teachers. Brother Terry and brother Snyder.
7.The TRC... LOVE!! It is where your companion and you can go to teach an investigator. They are volunteers that come in and play a part for you to teach. We taught out first couple Monday they had been married for 50 years!! They had 8 children, and had gone to temple square and the missionaries there refereed them and we get to teach them! We meet again on Monday to teach them on the second lesson! We teach another couple on Thursday! exciting!!
8. So far I have memorized the first vision ad my missionary purpose... WWHHOOAA!! Kinda hard.
9. i saw the Rodartes!! They will be here till Saturday though.. oh wweellll!!
10. I miss you all SOOOO much!!
Sister Arbogast!!!!
1. If you go to dearelder.com you can write an email to me on there and they will print it out and give it to me in my mail box that day here at the MTC... I encourage you to use it because I LOVE mail now :]
2. Can you send me your addresses? I only know mom and dads... lame, I know.
3. My companion! Her name is Sister Johnson! She is from Shelly, ID and went to BYU-I too! She is great! She is the MASTER of knowing where certain scriptures are and i am not... its Perfect!
4. My district!! There are 12 of us. 4 Elders going to Billings, MT (Elder Smith, Savage, Maloney, George) and 4 elders going to Arcadia (Elder Naeata (tongan), Spalding, Edney and Garza) and 4 sisters going to Arcadia (Sister Snow, Thomas and Johnson). I LOVE them!! I kind of have to since we are all together pretty much ALL the day LONG! = )
5. Sharing a room... What an adventure!! It isnt as bad as I thought it would be. The bathroom is what is throwing me off hahaha sharring a bathroom with like 100 sisters!
6. Class... LOVE! We have two teachers. Brother Terry and brother Snyder.
7.The TRC... LOVE!! It is where your companion and you can go to teach an investigator. They are volunteers that come in and play a part for you to teach. We taught out first couple Monday they had been married for 50 years!! They had 8 children, and had gone to temple square and the missionaries there refereed them and we get to teach them! We meet again on Monday to teach them on the second lesson! We teach another couple on Thursday! exciting!!
8. So far I have memorized the first vision ad my missionary purpose... WWHHOOAA!! Kinda hard.
9. i saw the Rodartes!! They will be here till Saturday though.. oh wweellll!!
10. I miss you all SOOOO much!!
Sister Arbogast!!!!
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Danelle Enters the MTC
We bid farewell to Sister Arbogast last week! Danelle has begun her way to Arcadia, CA to teach the people there the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. We are so proud of her and are so excited for the people of Arcadia. They are so lucky to have her.
She entered the Missionary Training Center (MTC) on Wednesday 12/1 and will be headed to CA on 12/21.
These are just outside the Provo, UT Temple as we prepared to go across the street to the MTC. She kept flashing her watch and telling us to hurry up or we'd be late. Its hard to say goodbye when you know you won't be able to see, or talk to the person for several months at a time, so we just wanted to make every minute last.
I had bought the boys little missionary tags that said, "future missionary". I made her wear it for pictures since she would be getting her real name tag in just a few minutes.

Once we arrived at the MTC the Elders took her bags, we gave her a hug, and they wisked her away! It was kinda surreal! We began missing her immediately! = )

We love you Sister Arbogast!
She entered the Missionary Training Center (MTC) on Wednesday 12/1 and will be headed to CA on 12/21.
These are just outside the Provo, UT Temple as we prepared to go across the street to the MTC. She kept flashing her watch and telling us to hurry up or we'd be late. Its hard to say goodbye when you know you won't be able to see, or talk to the person for several months at a time, so we just wanted to make every minute last.
I had bought the boys little missionary tags that said, "future missionary". I made her wear it for pictures since she would be getting her real name tag in just a few minutes.
Once we arrived at the MTC the Elders took her bags, we gave her a hug, and they wisked her away! It was kinda surreal! We began missing her immediately! = )
We love you Sister Arbogast!
Monday, December 6, 2010
Fare Thee Well
And she's off! We left Danelle there at the Missionary Training Center (MTC) in Provo last week and it was so bitter sweet. We are so happy for her and the people of Arcadia, but sad to be saying "see you later". We take for granted being able to talk all the time on our cell phones, email and skype and now that we don't have that luxery for 18 months, its hard!
We know she's doing a great thing and we could not be more proud of her. We have faith that the people there in Arcadia will love her and care for as we did.
So far, nothing new from her, but when there is I'll be sure to post. Until then, you can write her!
We know she's doing a great thing and we could not be more proud of her. We have faith that the people there in Arcadia will love her and care for as we did.
So far, nothing new from her, but when there is I'll be sure to post. Until then, you can write her!
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